Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
Trinity is home to the 3rd Knowsley Scout group, which has Beavers, Cubs and Scout sections who meet each Friday night. The group is open to both boys and girls.
The group has a Christian faith basis, with many of the section leaders also being members of the church, and children encouraged to attend the monthly parade church services. However it is open to all children, whatever their own faith.
To enquire about spaces in the groups, please contact us via this website or the Scouts website.
Beavers – For Boys & Girls 6 – 8 years
In our weekly sessions we have fun playing team games and working towards different badges. Participation is key, with all Beavers encouraged to try the activities on offer.
Young people can join Beaver Scouts in the three months leading up to their sixth birthday, and move to Cub Scouts around 8 years old.
Beavers meet at Trinity on Friday nights, 4:45-5:45pm
Cubs – For Boys & Girls 8 – 10 1/2 years
For cubs, excitement and adventure are key. There are a huge variety of activities, indoor and outdoor, allowing everyone to be creative and get involved.
Cubs meet at Trinity on Friday nights, 6:00-7:15pm
Scouts – For Boys & Girls 10 1/2 – 14 years
Scouts is about being with friends, as part of a team, participating fully in the opportunities of life. Our Scouts take part in activities to develop their confidence, sense of adventure and skills. Taking part and having fun is just as important as what you achieve as a Scout.
Scouts meet at Trinity on Friday nights, 7:30-9:00pm