Growing and Going Chapter 8

Trinity Church – Growing and Going

Chapter 8 – 1998 to the future

In just two years Trinity has begun to reap the rewards for faithfulness, patience and perseverance. The seeds sown by all our previous Ministers have started to bear fruit.

Trinity Church today, the current Church on the left and the old hall to the right.

The church is in a period of growth and the atmosphere is one of anticipation. People, events and structures have enabled the church to look to the future and as we approach the New Millennium we are able to report exciting developments:

  • The training of two lay preachers, one Anglican, one Methodist
  • The use of Trinity members as worship leaders, ensuring greater lay involvement
  • An ongoing Christian Basics course
  • A 34-week disciple course
  • An increase in attendance on Sundays for the 9th consecutive month
  • Re-launch of the house groups
  • Development of leadership team, monthly stewards meetings
  • Increased pool of musicians
  • Introduction of Trinity membership cards rather than denominational membership cards

The church still needed something to stimulate growth. It has come in through two major challenges, a children’s ministry and a Lay Witness Weekend.

Kidz Klub was launched in September 1998, by April attendances had risen to 140, with 270 children being visited at home each week. This has led to an improvement of the church’s image within the community, Trinity is becoming known as a church that cares for children, it is recognised that the church is reaching out instead of inviting in. There is a knock-on effect with a slow but steady growth in the number of children coming to church on Sundays. But the success of Kidz Klub has brought with it an added problem, Trinity is too small for the growing number of children wanting to come to church on Saturday mornings. The most logical step would be to buy back the old Church Hall which is for sale, but at this stage we do not have the asking price. Prayer has worked before in Trinity’s history, miracles are no stranger to us, we will keep on praying for God to provide the right facilities for the important work of Kidz Klub to continue.

In February 1999 Trinity held a Lay Witness weekend which brought the fellowship together in ways only ever dreamed of before. The generation gap is still there but there is a tolerance and understanding that works both ways and is leading ALL the people of Trinity to a closer relationship with each other and with God.

We, God’s people, can say with honesty,
“The great days of Trinity are still to come”, THANK GOD